Sunday, October 14, 2018

Kenzie's Second Round of Injections

On Friday we were back down in Boston at the Children's Hospital so Kenzie could get her next round of botox and phenol injections in her legs.  The initial round she got has really worn off and she has become really tight in her legs and hamstrings.

Once again it was like she knew it was coming, and didn't sleep well the night before, but she was the first person into day surgery that day (and the first out!).  Kenzie was generally very cranky and not wanting to play nice with the doctors, but they did play her favorite song, Wannabe, by the Spice Girls as she was being put under anesthesia. Once Kenzie was moved to post op, we found her again by following the screams.  She was the only kid that had been brought back from the OR so far, but she was very unhappy.  She kept pointing at her chair as if to say get me out of here.  With some pain meds on board, Kenzie was released fairly quickly, as it was clear she did not want to stay.  We attempted to feed Kenzie some pancakes upstairs, but she would have none of it, so instead we settled on the gift shop where she picked up a Halloween book and a balloon.  For those that don't know. Kenzie loves being read to, and loves loves loves balloons!!!

All in all Kenzie did well, we can already feel the effect the injections have had on loosening her muscles and hamstrings in her legs.  We will have a followup in a little over a month or so, and see where we are going from there!!   

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