Saturday, September 15, 2018

Kenzie's Benefit Dinner

The Knights of Columbus Council 8144, to which Kevin belongs, held a benefit steak and lobster dinner for Kenzie!!! It was an amazing and humbling experience, as they had the largest turnout ever (over 240 people) to any of their dinners!!  The whole parish hall was packed, and Kaitlyn got to pick the winning number for 50/50.  There was lots of love and support shown, and we are truly grateful.  Events like these really show how much support is out there!!!!  Everything raised is going towards Kenzie's procedures and other costs, such as traveling and the like.  We are also starting to realize furniture is becoming an issue (Kenzie's bed, how to change her diapers, etc), so there is always a need.   On that same subject, somebody referred Kenzie to Make a Wish Maine, and we are currently in the medical review part of the process.  So fingers crossed, we will see how that works out!!   Here are some pictures and the menu from the dinner.

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