Saturday, April 21, 2018

What We've Been Up To...

Now that Spring is here, we are getting out and about more!  So what have we been up to?

At the beginning of the month, we attended the Sea Dogs' Welcome Back Dinner.  We met all of the players and got autographs.  There was dancing with Slugger, glitter tattoos, and balloon art for the kids.  And of course, what kind of Sea Dogs' dinner would be complete without a Sea Dogs' biscuit?!?!

Two weeks ago, we attended the Portland Fire Department's annual award ceremony.  Kevin got a unit commendation.  I told him he's not allowed to get any more awards since we are running out of wall space for them.

After the awards show, we walked down the street to the Portland Science Center.  Kaitlyn has been wanting to go to their current exhibit on sharks.  As you can see, the girls are really interested and Kevin...  well Kevin is Kevin!


Portland just got an arena football league.  Last weekend we went to their inaugural game.  The girls LOVED it!  Although Kenzie still somehow managed to fall asleep at the end!

On Tuesday, we went to a very special Sea Dogs game.  This year is their 25th anniversary season.  And on Tuesday it was 25 years since their very first game.  They wore throwback jerseys from that season.  Based on the colors, can you guess their original affiliate?

Yup, those would be Marlins colors!  No offense family, but we like the Red Sox affiliation better!

Kaitlyn has been saving some of her birthday/ First Communion  money for her own Sea Dogs blanket!  

We got a game ball!  The foul ball landed in the row behind us and bounced/rolled into our seats!

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