Thursday, June 15, 2017

Summer Fun

Now that summer is upon us our fun outings are picking up!  He's a few of the fun things we've done over the past few weeks...

Last year's event was extremely hot.  This year's was a bit chilly, rainy, and very muddy.  The girls still had lots of fun though!  One of the firefighters was one of  the paramedics who transported Kenzie to the hospital after her seizure a few weeks ago. He remembered her and commented on how much better she was looking.  Then he gave her a fire hat.

Lunch at DiMillos
I love Kenzie's mischievous, I'm gonna get into something looks!

Portland Science Center
The Portland Science Center's current exhibit is all about pirates.  Kaitlyn was so excited about it.  She's been really into Pirates since we started showing her the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. 

The expression on Kenzie's face here is priceless! 

In other news, Kaitlyn will not be starting 3rd grade in the Fall.  She is more interested in becoming a pirate...

The girls touching gold coins...

Real pirate treasure!

Watching Wonder Woman!

Girl Scout Event at The Maine State Aquarium

Learning how to band lobsters...

Painting her own lobster buoy...

At one point soon after our arrival, Kevin lost his admission sticker.  He retraced his steps.  Looked all over the place.  Right before we left I found it...

No idea how it got on Kenzie in that spot, but I started giggling to myself in the bathroom while I was changing her diaper. Pretty sure a few people thought I was nuts, haha.

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