Monday, October 7, 2013

Vacation Part 5- Kaitlyn

As you all know, Kaitlyn started Pre-K just a few days before we went on vacation.  Her teacher asked that Kaitlyn draw pictures of some of the things she saw and did to share with the class upon her return.  I think it came out very cute, so I took pictures of her drawings to share with you all…  Enjoy!


Westminster AbbeyPA050065

Buckingham PalacePA050066

One of the guards at the Tower of London/ Buckingham PalacePA050067

The Golden Carriage at the Royal MewsPA050068

The Map Room at the Churchill War RoomsPA050069

The London EyePA050070

The White Cliffs of DoverPA050071

The Carnival LegendPA050072

Kaitlyn getting her gold medal on stage at the Welcome Aboard show.PA050073

The bus we rode on for our tour of Liverpool and the Liver building.  The  circles with the sticks coming out of them on top of the building are supposed to be the liver bird statues that are on top of the building.PA050074

Glasgow CathedralPA050075

The Drum and Monkey (the pub where we had lunch in Glasgow)PA050076

The Book of  Kells at Trinity College in Dublin PA050077

The Wellington Monument in DublinPA050078

Urquhart Castle and Loch Ness.  The green blob on top of the water is supposed to be Nessie and apparently she thinks the “real deal” wears a hat like her stuffie because she drew Nessie wearing the red and yellow hat as well!PA050079

Edinburgh Castle.  The grey blob to the right of it is supposed to be the “Stone of Destiny”PA050080

One of the many fjords of Norway- obviously this was drawn based on a postcard!PA050081

The beach at Etretat, FrancePA050082

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