Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Kenzie IEP Meeting

Today Cyndi and I attended a meeting at the Child Development Services office to discuss the evaluations that were done on Kenzie and an IEP (individual education plan ) for Kenzie.  After going over Kenzies strengths and weaknesses goals were set by the specialists in all areas for where we would like to see Kenzie a year from now.  The good news is this means that Kenzie qualifies for services and will be going to preschool !  The recommendation for now is 5 days a week, 3 hours per day.  Of these hours 120 minutes a week will be devoted to occupational , physical, and speech therapy separately over the course of the week.

There is still some paperwork to complete before this all becomes official .. but it shouldn't be long.  Once we get exact information on when Kenzie will start we will update everyone !  We are hopeful and fingers crossed that she will be placed here in Scarborough at the Morrison Center.  We have a little bit of an in as that is where she currently gets speech therapy.  Look for another update hopefully soon.... We along with the therapists who evaluated Kenzie think this will be really good for her!

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