Thursday, August 31, 2017

Vacation Part 4

We went to the Georgia Aquarium. Kenzie LOVED it!  She was so interactive with the fish... pointing and laughing.  We were front row at the sea lion show and she clapped when they would jump up on the ledge in front of her.  She "oohed" when she saw the penguins.

After the aquarium, I took Kaitlyn to the hotel pool while Kenzie napped.

For dinner we went to a German Restaurant.  Uncle Robert's friend and her daughter joined us.  Kaitlyn enjoyed having someone close to her age to hang out with.

The girls opened their birthday presents from Oma and Opa.

The next day Kenzie turned 3!  I am still not sure how three years have passed so quickly!  We took Kenzie to the zoo for panda stop number 2!

That night we all dressed up for Kenzie's birthday dinner. Kenzie was so funny. She loved her birthday ice cream, but she got brain freeze!

Both girls were spoiled at the panda gift shop, but Kenzie loved this panda.  Kevin picked it up to look at it and she immediately reached for it and didn't let go!

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