Monday, September 6, 2010

Apple Picking


Yesterday, we took Kaitlyn to a farm in New Gloucester and went apple picking.  Once Kaitlyn got the hang of it she loved it.  She kept saying “up” so we’d pick her up and she could pull them off the trees.  Once we showed her how to put the apples in the bag, we had to keep an eye on her.  She’d grab any old apple off the ground and try to sneak it in the bag.  It was fun to watch her running up the row of trees yelling “apple” repeatedly…


Found her first apple…100_0804

Bringing it to Daddy for inspection…100_0805

It’s good!  Putting it in the bag…100_0823

Learning how to pick them off the tree…100_0811  

I did it! 100_0814  

Had one in each hand, but then dropped one…100_0819

There’s some at Kaitlyn-height!100_0821100_0822


After picking our apples, we bought some apple cider and homemade donuts.  Then we took a ride on a horse drawn carriage… 100_0826 100_0828

Hoping to hit up the pumpkin patch in a few weeks…

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