After that... we were in for 6 "Fun Days at Sea!"
Kenzie's personality in a progression of photos:
1) Are you watching me?
2) Whatever, I'll touch it anyway
3) You caught me... but I'm innocent! Really!!
Saw this sign on someone's cabin door and it made us laugh. Told Kaitlyn to pay attention!
We were a little disappointed that there was no Seuss at Sea breakfast this trip. But they did have the characters for meet and greet/ photos. So we got to rock our themed shirts anyway!

Kenzie loves when we get a stateroom steward who poses her stuffies!
Lido Deck decorated for the Italian Street Festival planned for that evening.
We passed within the 30 miles of the Titanic. This post on our cruise Facebook group really made us laugh! This was also Day 2 of near constant fog. We got real used to hearing the horn go off every 2 minutes for days (and nights!)
It was also World Ocean Day, so there was a special cake. We just happened to be on Lido without knowing about it beforehand... and got a piece!
Kenzie continued her cruising duck collection. It seems like everyone who hides them manages to find her!
That smile you get when your sister attends the 80s Deck Party the night before and you find (and claim!) her glow stick!
More cruise photos! Kenzie made fast friends with one of the photographers, Punha. Every time we'd see him, he'd yell "Kenzie!" and run around her chair to make her laugh! We learned later that he runs an orphanage and they have several children with special needs, so he was drawn to Kenzie.
Pensive Kenzie!
Kenzie loves playing cornhole!
We had to get a picture with this background since Kenz was in her pirate dress!
We did Teppanyaki for lunch one day. Kenzie shocked us with her eating this cruise. One night for dinner she ate three (yes, THREE!) hot dogs for dinner! While at Teppanyaki, she tried lobster for the first time and signed 'more' (another night she expressed interest in trying prime rib- and yup, she signed more for that too!). I joked to Kevin that we always knew she was high maintenance. Now we know she is high class too!
She loves watching the fire!
Jaymar was awesome. He had this little wind-up chicken that he let Kenzie play with. After he was done cooking, he thanked Kenz for taking care of his chicken. Then changed his mind and told her to keep it!
Reaction to the onion "volcano"
Last formal night was the Captain's Gala! The free drinks are always a bonus, lol!
Senior Officers
Us with Captain Claudio Cupisti.

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