Monday, December 7, 2015

Thanksgiving Trip Part 1- OBX and Myrtle Beach

The first stop of our big Thanksgiving road trip was Kitty Hawk, NC.  The first order of business was barbecue.  There was a nice restaurant across the street from our hotel.  We liked it so much we ate there for dinner both nights!  Kaitlyn tried hush puppies, collards, and fried okra for the first time.  Verdict: loved the hush puppies and fried okra, but wasn’t a fan of the collards.PB162049

The view from our hotel balcony the next morning…PB172053

Our first stop was the Wright Brothers’ National MemorialPB172065PB172054PB172056PB172062

Next we drove down to the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse.  The girls’ got their National Park passport books stamped.PB172068PB172070

The final stop of the day was Roanoke Island.  The Fort Raleigh National Park is in the general vicinity of  where the lost colony was located.  I’ve been obsessed with the lost colony since I learned about it in school and even did a report on it in college.  Needless to say, I was very excited about this visit.  After watching the video in the visitor’s center, Kaitlyn kept asking if we were going to see any ghosts.  One of the stations in the museum had a book where you could leave your hypothesis of what happened to the colonists.  Kaitlyn left her index card and guess that they went to live with the Indians.20151118_103745-1PB172071PB172076

The shores of Roanoke Island…PB172074PB172075

When we got back to hotel, we went for a walk on the beach.  Kenzie was fascinated by the waves and excited to dip her little toes into the ocean for the first time!20151117_163656PB17208020151117_16364420151117_163626PB172079PB172078

Our hotel had several large fish tanks in the lobby.  The girls loved watching the fish.20151117_18044820151118_090857

One last walk on the beach the next morning before we continued the trek south…20151118_09222420151118_09264020151118_09264120151118_104355

The next day in Myrtle Beach was very rainy and stormy, so we spent a relaxing day in the room and on our balcony.20151119_151003

There was a brief break in the rain, so we snuck in a walk on the beach before the lightning started.  Kaitlyn was very excited that there were shells everywhere! 20151119_14253520151119_14254520151119_14255720151119_14260520151119_142836

Of course the morning we  left it was bright and sunny!  20151120_09151220151120_091617

Kenzie apparently loves Chick-fil-a!20151120_131202

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