Monday, December 7, 2015

Thanksgiving Road Trip Part 2- St. Augustine

We arrived in St. Augustine late Friday night and took a Ghost and Gravestones Tour.  The highlight was going into the Old Jail at night.  We didn’t realize it would involve actors though!  Kaitlyn had a tight grip on me!  One of the older women kept scooting closer to us and said “don’t mind me, I’m just using your children for protection!” Smile 



The old city gates…PB212082

Castillo San MartinPB21208520151121_09304220151121_09315120151121_09320320151121_10083720151121_10171720151121_10174020151121_10210720151121_104955(0)20151121_10502020151121_111244

We had lunch at Harry’s.  The food was so yummy!  We had rice, beans, and sausage.  Then the four of us split a Banana’s Foster for dessert.  Kenzie loved it!  20151121_11463020151121_11333120151121_12032920151121_112641

On the ghost tour they talked about how the restaurant was haunted.  The women’s bathroom used to be the bedroom of the woman who owned the house.  Supposedly if you take selfies with your back to the mirror sometimes the ghost shows up in the mirror.  I broke my I will never take a selfie rule to give it a shot.  No ghost though Sad smile


After lunch we went to the Colonial Quarter were Kaitlyn trained to be in the militia.  That was a massive failure since her rifle was upside down when she was “firing” it!20151121_13563820151121_13565420151121_13570220151121_14000820151121_14001820151121_14002320151121_14002620151121_14003420151121_14005320151121_140129

Next Kaitlyn trained to be an archaeologist.20151121_144121

We all waited out the rainstorm with ginger beers!20151121_14563320151121_145656

That night was when they lit the Christmas tree and all of the city Christmas lights.  I also met up with an old friend from girl scouts who I hadn’t seen since high school.  It was great catching up and introducing her to Kevin and the girls.20151121_18340120151121_18342920151121_183623

And the still unexplainable ghost photo!  See if you can spot it!  The photo was taken without flash.  When enlarged, it looks exactly like a woman with a veil holding a baby.  After we took it we checked.  There was nothing there that could explain an image like that!20151121_19001912307507_10153718128339817_5124639408824990441_o12309482_10153718128334817_8024889284994911207_o

Kaitlyn got to experience Florida “snow”.20151121_191502

Back at the hotel she ate her chocolate dolphin from the candy shop we stopped in.20151121_200254

The next morning we went over to the lighthouse.  Kaitlyn insisted on climbing to the top.  Kevin was lucky enough to take her up.  They have a rule that no one can be carried up the stairs and since I’m terrified of heights Kevin was elected.  Kenzie and I did get to step inside for a picture at the bottom of the stairs though.  And we all got to tour the museum in the old Keeper’s House.20151122_09130420151122_09183920151122_092026

It’s a good thing I wasn’t up there with her or I would have been yelling at her to get back, haha!  I could hear her talking all the way up there though!20151122_09281320151122_09283420151122_09292020151122_09304820151122_093104

Kenzie’s cute little sticker says “I’m a keeper!”20151122_09451220151122_094900

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