Thursday, December 31, 2015

We hope everyone had a great Christmas! We sure did! The weekend after we got back from Florida was the family Christmas party at the PD. Kenzie was fascinated by Santa, but wouldn’t sit on his lap by herself. She did want that present though. After she thoroughly checked out Santa she tried to snatch her present right off his lap!

Kaitlyn loved her present and was shocked because she “didn’t tell anyone that she wanted it”. Kenzie’s present was a big hit with all the other kids. I had a bunch coming up and trying to play with it.

Kenzie and her future husband swapped presents for awhile.

After the tree went up I took my annual Christmas pictures of the girls. I love how these came out, but we went with a family photo for this year’s Christmas card. 

Santa came to the last Pirates game before Christmas. Kenzie actually sat on his lap! Then she grabbed a big fistful of his beard. She still managed to stay on the nice list though as evidenced by the pile of gifts she got! 

After Mass on Christmas Eve… 

Santa came! 

Opening presents Christmas morning! The girls loved everything they got. One of Kenzie’s favorites was her new doll. Kaitlyn loved her police car. Mommy loved the girls’ Swedish dresses! 

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the dresses! Kaitlyn was so excited to put hers on. The girls wore their dresses to church on Sunday. They got a bunch of compliments. We have to head up to New Sweden and show them off next summer! They looked adorable!

Monday, December 7, 2015

15 Months Old

Kenzie is now 15 months old!  She’s still a lightweight though.  She still hasn’t broken the 20 lb mark.  At her checkup last week, she clocked in at 19lb 9 oz.  She has also grown about half an inch in the last three months.20151205_12063520151205_120635-1

Thanksgiving Trip Part 5- Everglades and Thanksgiving

On Wednesday, we went to Gator Park.  We took an airboat ride.  Kenzie wasn’t too thrilled about the life jacket at first, but she fell asleep by the end.  Then we watched a little show with the gators and a few small animals.  The look on Kaitlyn’s face when the scorpion was brought out is priceless.  She wouldn’t hold the baby alligator either, but I did manage to coax her into a few pictures and petting it if I held it. 

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This is my favorite photo of the entire trip!IMG958896IMG958897

When I hide we can get some good, non-screaming photos of Kenzie with other people holding her!IMG_8908IMG_8926IMG_8930IMG_8931IMG_8937IMG_895620151125_125142

I was so excited to spend Thanksgiving with my family for the first time since I was a kid!  And we celebrated Kaitlyn’s and Loren’s birthdays after dinner.20151126_124759IMG_897120151126_13121420151126_14440820151126_144626

Kaitlyn wore the Frozen hat everyday until she went back to school!20151126_14483320151126_14483620151126_14492520151126_14522320151126_145508IMG_8972IMG_9018IMG_9035IMG_9024IMG_9031IMG_9041

It was a long trip back, but totally worth it!  Can’t wait to see everyone again!