Tuesday, November 30, 2021

FL Road Trip Part 5 (Chef Mickey's and South Florida)

 We enjoyed Chef Mickey's so much the last visit that we decided we are going to make it a check-out day tradition!  It is usually a buffet, but with COVID they turned it into family-style dining.  I didn't care... I got my Mickey waffles!

They also had banana bread french toast!

My "mom"-osa, hahaha!

After brunch, we packed up the car and headed (further) south.  The next day, we spent some time at the hotel pool and Grandma's before having dinner with the family!

This picture makes me laugh so much!

Thanks to Aunt Bev for the tickets to Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens!

Kaitlyn liked that her hair clip looked like these flowers!

It's hard to see, but a brown butterfly landed on her head!

And one final dinner with family, including Kenzie's new favorite person hahaha

And that's it for the FL trip...  but we have another trip to share with you soon!

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