Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Kaitlyn's Last Day of School

On Monday, we went back to Kaitlyn's school.  The 5th graders were scheduled to return their Chromebooks and pick up all of their things that had been left behind in their lockers and desks when the school shut down.

Today was her official last day of 5th grade!  We tried to make it special even though we are still stuck at home.  We started off watching the 6th Grade Welcome Video and virtual tour of the middle school.

Kaitlyn requested a dinner of ravioli and garlic bread.  She also got a few gifts to help keep her busy this summer!  She was especially excited to get the next books in the series she is reading.  And she thought the Crayola window markers were pretty cool too.

And of course, I made her a cake!  It was a huge hit with both girls!

I still can't believe she is off to middle school in the fall (hopefully in person!)!

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