Our annual Fall leave photos for all you Floridians...
We pushed our annual Columbus Day weekend trip to Caribou/ Presque Isle back a week due to the weather. We are packed up and ready to go (Frozen/ Demon Cat was being dropped at Mammy's for the weekend)
Corn Maze time!
Pretty sure Kaitlyn picked the biggest pumpkin they had!
There was a craft fair at Daddy's high school, so we stopped by! This is the first time the girls got to go in Daddy's old school. Not sure if we should be concerned, but Daddy's old guidance counselor recognized him all these years later!
We let the girls pick out a couple of things... Kaitlyn picked this cute new outfit for her American Girl doll. Kenzie got some pretty purple gloves.
They both got books written by a local author...
which he signed for them!
On the way back home, Kenzie got a hold of Daddy's hat and had some fun with it!

Halloween was supposed to be a wash out, but we had a break in the weather! Snow White and the Astronaut got out for about an hour. All the houses kept giving them extra candy because they weren't getting as many trick-or-treaters as usual.
Afterwards, we stopped for a dinner at one of our favorite quick service restaurants before heading to Mammy's for a visit.
On Sunday, we went to a Trunk or Treating event. Then we stopped in to Kohl's to start our Christmas dress search for the girls. Santa just happened to be there. Kenzie is no longer scared of him and Kaitlyn "doesn't know what she wants" for Christmas.
The girls'pumpkins... Kenzie's is purple for Epilepsy awareness!
Stay tuned for the amazing Halloween/ Fall pictures Miss Tracey took over the next couple of days!
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