We just returned home from our summer road trip. It was great to spend several days with the girls without the work stress or thinking about upcoming doctors appointments for Kenzie or the paperwork process for her wheelchair.
We started off with a visit to Valley Forge National Historic Park. We took a ranger led walking tour, visited the museum located in the visitor's center, had a picnic in the park, and then took the driving tour around the park.
This interactive display was to show the kids how heavy the rifles were. Kaitlyn was suitably impressed.
The next stop along the driving route was a small museum outside of George Washington's Valley Forge HQ. The museum was originally Valley Forge's train station and National Park Visitor's Center. Once cars were invented and became prevalent, the train station closed down and a new Visitor's Center was built on the other side of the park.
Here's Kaitlyn hamming it up for the camera at one of the original ticket windows.
The banister is original to the house. We touched the same banister George Washington did!
Kenzie's favorite room in any house... the kitchen!
Continuing along the road tour, we saw the battlements and the cannons.
Of course, Kaitlyn got her Junior Ranger badge!
That evening for dinner, we found a restaurant with a name we couldn't pass up!
I was impressed by the size of the pepper on my jumbalaya...
Only the first day, and someone was too tired to even make it into her pjs!
The next day we drove over to Newtown, PA... not too much to do there, but it was a great base for our next two days of activities in Trenton, NJ. We had an amazing dinner at this place! Excellent food and service!
The next day, we were off to Trenton for the AA Eastern League All-Star festivities... the first event was a charity game between NYPD and Philadelphia PD.
When in Jersey- one must eat the pork roll. We had one for dinner.
It was about a million degrees. Our friends were portable fans and Water Ice- a Philadelphia staple!
The man sitting next to Kaitlyn got one of the foul balls and gave it to her! Turns out- he and his wife vacation in Maine frequently!
To Kenzie's delight, we finished up the evening with fireworks!
The next day it was back to the ballpark in Trenton for an autograph session. Unfortunately, after we got there we discovered that it was not at all accessible for those with mobility disabilities. This trip has really driven home the challenges we will face with Kenzie. As she gets bigger, it is becoming more difficult for Kevin and I to carry her for long periods and we are becoming more reliant on her stroller. We are actually in the process of getting her a chair that we can use in the house and then switch the seat to a stroller base. The seat itself will enable her to be more safely seated at the table to eat and do other activities. Then it can be moved to a base that is similar to a stroller, but the seat will sit straighter, hold her more securely, and not have the canvas sides that restrict her view. She will be able to interact more fully with the world around her!
But back to the autograph session... The long lines went up and down stairs. Over a two hour period, in 90 degree temperatures, with little shade, it just wasn't possible for Kenzie to participate. I walked the concourse with Kenzie in her stroller, while Kevin and Kaitlyn waited in lines to meet the players and get autographs. The rules state one autograph per person from each player. Traditionally, we have a ball and a program that we have each player sign. Then we have only the Sea Dogs players sign a ticket. Usually, this isn't an issue because we have four people and three items. Kevin explained to one of our Sea Dogs guys that the ticket was his item and the ball was for his daughter who has disabilities and was unable to stand in line with him. Tim Tebow was at the same table and heard this. He stopped what he was doing and told Kevin to tell Kenzie he said hello. He also told Kevin to look him up some time.
The Clydesdales also made an appearance! This photo isn't mine... In fact a few of the following photos aren't mine. Anything that looks high-quality and professional got ripped off the Trenton Thunder Facebook page!
Bernie Williams played the National Anthem on his guitar. One of the most unique and coolest anthems I've ever heard!
Almost game time!
Introducing the players!
I was never a Tebow fan before, but this day made me one!
Everyone can have a bat boy/girl. The Thunder have a bat dog who puts the "retriever" in Golden Retriever! This is Rookie <3 .="" p="">
Kenzie screamed her head off when Boomer, the Trenton Thunder mascot, stopped by for a visit. When he "finally" moved off, she kept her little eyes on him like her life depended on it! Boomer was not impressed by Kaitlyn's Sea Dogs shirt and made it known. He took off his glasses, looked her up and down, then pointed at her shirt and shook his head!
The game ended in a tie and went to a "hit off". Unfortunately the east ended up losing :(
Getting tired!
Annnnd we're out!
The game ended in a tie and went to a "hit off". Unfortunately the east ended up losing :(
The next morning, we all spent some time in the pool. Kaitlyn showed off what she's been learning in her swim classes. Kenzie is a natural little swimmer. The second she gets in the pool, her little hands start moving and she starts kicking her feet.
Then we headed to Philadelphia for part 2 of our vacation!
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