Thursday, August 31, 2017

Vacation Part 3

The next day we were in Mississippi.  God obviously has a sense of humor.  After all the Civil War battlefields I was forced to visit as a kid, I swore I would never go to another one as an adult.  Then I married Kevin who is apparently just as enthralled with battlefields as my brother was (sigh).

We also drove part of the Natchez Parkway.  Some time we would like to drive all 400 some odd miles of it- from Nashville, TN to Louisiana.  We didn't have time this trip, but we did go to the Visitor's Center, walk part of the Old Trace to see the unknown Confederate soldier's graves, and see one of the Indian burial mound sites.

Back on the road again!

We made it to Georgia!

Oh look... another day... another battlefield!  Although I have to admit now that I have one of the National Park Passport books, I actually like going so I can get the stamps!

The kids were worn out and Oma, Opa, and Uncle Robert hadn't even arrived yet!

The next morning, we went to the Martin Luther King Jr's Historic Site.

The cart that transported MLK's coffin.

Kaitlyn working on her Jr. Ranger booklet.

The church where MLK was co-pastor with his father.

The firehouse that served MLK's neighborhood.  It has been turned into a museum that tells the story of the desegregation of the Atlanta Fire Department.  After we left, a fire truck went racing by with its lights and siren on.  Kaitlyn was so excited that one of the firefighters waved at her from the truck.

The house MLK was born in.

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