Our Christmas celebrations got started off with the PPD family Christmas party. Kenzie was NOT a fan of Santa. Last year she just sat on my lap and eyed him warily. This year, she screamed her little head off and tried to dive to the floor to get away!
Santa brought my little baker her own cooking set. It's got real baking supplies that are child size to make it easier for little hands. Kaitlyn said "Mama Santa brought me the best present that I didn't even know I wanted!" She hugged it the whole way home in the car.
Kenzie loved her new building blocks.
My little baker had fun baking and decorating Christmas cookies.
Kenzie likes to watch Kaitlyn playing in the snow.
Things were too crazy to get out Christmas cards this year, but we took pictures in front of the tree anyway.

Kenzie enjoys taking selfies!
We went to Mass on Christmas Eve. Kaitlyn enjoyed Monsignor giving an update on Santa's location before we went home.

Kenzie took her "Waiting Up for Santa" shirt to heart. She fought sleep until almost midnight.
Santa came!
Both girls had so much fun opening their presents. Kaitlyn kept pulling the gifts out from under the tree and handing them all (and all the ripped wrapping paper to Mammy)
Kenzie got ahold of Daddy's video camera while he was busy!
Kenzie thought her new shirt was great for a game of "Where's Kenzie"!
She's not sure why the cat is under the tree when we keep pulling her out. This was about two seconds before she dove under the tree and Cloudy frantically ran away.
Kenzie really liked the moose slippers Kevin gave me.
Kenzie is being helpful as usual.
The girls were having a lot of fun throwing the wrapping paper in the air. They couldn't stop giggling!
Time for stockings...
Playing with our new toys!
Kenzie loved her lasagna and her TWO slices of chocolate cream pie! She went directly in the bathtub afterwards...
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