On Friday, she had her follow-up with genetics. As you probably remember, they ran two panels on her. One kind of broad spectrum and one for known causes of microcephaly. Both came back normal. We are kind of in a holding pattern with them. She once again brought up cerebral palsy. She wants to see if Kenzie's neurologist wants to do an MRI in November when we follow-up with her. If the MRI is done, she will review the results. If no MRI is done, she wants to run a neurological panel. I'm not a fan of either option. The MRI would require Kenzie to receive anesthesia. And the panel would likely require another blood draw. Either option to me would cause Kenzie distress when there is no evidence right now that there is anything really "wrong" with her other than a few developmental delays. Kevin believes it's because she is not just a doctor, she's a scientist so she believes there has to be an answer for everything. I guess for now we will wait and see with the neurologist has to say and go from there.
After the doctor's appointment, we kicked Kenzie's weekend into gear. Kevin and the girls ran a few errands. While I decorated.
I had such high hopes for that birthday hat, but alas Kenzie is a little snot. She grabbed that thing anytime it came anywhere near her. I even tried waiting til she fell asleep and gently placed it on her head, but nope. Those little eyes came flying open, she ripped it off her head, and went right back to sleep. Oh well. Maybe next year...
Kenzie really enjoyed her birthday sundae at Red Robin!
Waiting for cake and presents!

I made a cookie monster cake for my little monster. Chocolate cake with yummy Oreo buttercream frosting!

On Saturday we headed down to Boston and started our day off with a Duck tour.
Kaitlyn got to drive! She was nervous to go up and try because she "didn't know how", but gave it a chance when I told her none of the other kids knew how either!
Next we headed off to the aquarium!

Kenzie watching the penguins...
She loves the penguins just like her big sister. She kept yelling "guin". If we had let her, she probably would have jumped right in with them.
I guess it should be no surprise that Kenzie picked a penguin as her souvenir.
We went to the North End and had some yummy Italian for dinner.
After dinner, some of the firefighters at the station across the street were outside. Kaitlyn headed over there to check out the trucks.
To end the perfect day, we had some Boston cream pie from the Parker House- where it was invented. Kaitlyn loved hers!
Before we left on Sunday, we had lunch at Fogo de Chao then swung by the Public Gardens for pictures with the Make Way for Ducklings statues. As you can see, Kenzie was quite worn out.
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