Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Midsommar Festival

This weekend we headed north for the Midsommar Festival in New Sweden.  The girls' dresses were a big hit!  I actually had a couple people ask where we got them/ if I made them (as if!)

The girls and I made flower wreaths for our hair.

The girls saw the area of the cemetery where the first Swedish settlers were buried.  She got to visit Grampy's grave.  She kept asking if she had other relatives there too, so Kevin showed her the graves of her Great Grandparents and her Great, Great Grandparents. 

This has quickly become one of my favorite pictures of the girls. 

Kaitlyn and I painted Dala horses

We watched the May pole being decorated and raised. Then the children danced around it.

Kaitlyn enjoyed the one room school house.  She was pretty impressed that her Grampy went to school there for awhile. 

Kaitlyn was also surprised about how they lived in the "olden days"

The girls also got to meet their great, great aunt who recognized Kevin as "Wayne's boy"!

The next day, we got to have lunch with Aunt Linda and Marie before heading home.

We had to stop at the rest area for a diaper change and found a photo opportunity!

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