Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

We started our Easter celebrations yesterday with egg dyeing.   Kaitlyn and I made Minion eggs this year.  They weren't Pinterest perfect, but I'd say they didn't come out too badly!

I made a special Easter cake which Kaitlyn loved.  Aunt Bev, those are M&M chocolate eggs in your honor...

The Easter Bunny found our house!

 Kenzie wasn't in the best of moods today, so I considered it a win that we got some non-crying photos...

Hunting for eggs...

Checking to see if there's anything in those eggs...

Checking out her basket.  The Frozen sticker book was a hit.

 She also really liked the CD from the Beauty and the Beast play we went to a few weeks ago.

Really excited about Kung Foo Panda and the Land Before Time movies.

All the loot from Kaitlyn's basket.

Kenzie was not too thrilled.  She was quite tired and cranky most of the day.

Trying to have our first Easter egg hunt, but it wasn't going very well...

She was angry, so she enjoyed banging her eggs together.  Maybe she was just angry that her eggs were empty and Kaitlyn's had chocolate in them!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

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