This past Saturday at the Pirates game we had a special treat! Rene Rancourt performed God Bless America and the National Anthem. For those of you who aren’t Bruins fans… Rene Rancourt has performed the Anthem at all of the Boston Bruin’s home hockey games for over 35 years. He is a true legend to all New Englanders and no self-respecting New Englander doesn’t know who he is. At the end of the anthem he always salutes to honor service men and women and fist pumps to cheer the team on. He is apparently from Lewiston, Maine and came to the Civic Center while he was back in Maine for the weekend.

After performing, he was available in the concourse during the 1st period and 1st intermission to sign autographs and take pictures. Apparently he really liked Kaitlyn’s Bruins hoodie because he told her to give him her finger. The he took off his freaking STANLEY CUP RING and put it on her for the picture. As far as we could tell, he did not do that for anyone else. I’ve tried to impress upon Kaitlyn how special that was, but I’m not sure she gets it quite yet. Either way, it’s a great story for when she gets older!

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