Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Girls’ Rooms

Now that everyone knows Kenzie’s name, I can post pictures of her room without the name art giving it away Smile.  Kaitlyn and I did all the artwork for Kenzie’s walls (except for the name art and the flower hairclip holder).  Some of it is pictures from Kaitlyn’s coloring books and some is Kaitlyn’s handprints and footprints that we turned into “animal” pictures.  The flower hair clip holder and the hairclips on it were made by one of my friends who I have known since elementary school!  Kaitlyn has one in her room as well.


And here is Kaitlyn’s “big girl room” which used to be our guest room.  She loves her bunk beds!P9290851P9290852P9290853P9290854

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