My worry came true… I missed Kaitlyn’s first day of Kindergarten! We went to the Ice Cream Social at Kaitlyn’s school Monday night. Literally right as I got out of the car upon our return home, my water broke. Of course, I had just eaten so I got to sit in the hospital experiencing contractions for 8 hours before I could have my c-section. Kenzie Violet was born 8/26 at 4:16 AM. She weighed 8 pounds, 5 oz and was 21 inches long.

My doctor was unavailable to deliver Kenzie. Ironically out of all the doctors in the practice, the same doctor that delivered Kaitlyn, delivered Kenzie! She was crying even before she came out. 
Crazy how much Kenzie looks like Kaitlyn in this picture!

After Kaitlyn was born, they had Kevin carry her back to the room. With Kenzie, they let him stay until I was ready to head back to the room. 

While she seemed perfectly healthy upon arrival Kenzie actually had a few medical issues arise. The pediatrician noted that she had a bit of a heart murmur, but said that it wasn’t uncommon for some babies and that often the valve closed in their first 24 hours and the murmur went away. Then her respirations went way up and her glucose went down. She ended up getting a chest x-ray to confirm that there were no infections since she had meconium during the birth. X-ray and blood work came back clean.We were told that the respirations could be a result of the low glucose. So she ended up with a feeding tube. The next day, the pediatrician thought her murmur seemed louder, so Kenzie was seen by a cardiologist and got an echocardiogram. The cardiologist wasn’t concerned by what she saw, but would like Kenzie to have a follow up at 4 months. By the pediatrician’s visit on Thursday morning, Kenzie’s respirations and glucose were close to normal and her feeding tube had been removed. The murmur was nearly inaudible. But, she was starting to show signs of jaundice, so she got to spend time on the “bili bed”. She had to spend the entire day, except during feedings, in it. Friday morning, the pediatrician declared the jaundice better, but said he was going to have us stay until early afternoon/evening so she could spend a little more time in the bed and knock down the jaundice a bit more. We got discharged a little after 3 PM. Kenzie is now doing great!

Ready to go home. Kaitlyn picked out Kenzie’s outfit!

I guess we didn’t explain the whole sibling thing too well to Kaitlyn. When we told her we were going to grab dinner at Subway on the way home she asked if Kenzie was coming too.
Kenzie’s first restaurant
Kaitlyn’s first time holding her baby sister!