Our first day, we went into Colonial Williamsburg. Here we are in front of the Visitor’s Center. A rare photo of the three of us.
Kaitlyn made herself our navigator…
We spent some time in the soldiers’ camp…
So she and Daddy spent some time in jail…
That night, we introduced Kevin’s mom to Hooters…
After dinner, Kaitlyn went back to the hotel with Grammy, while Kevin and I headed back into Colonial Williamsburg for a ghost tour. By the time the tour ended, the buses had stopped running for the night, so the guide was nice enough to give Kevin and I a ride back to our car at the Visitor’s Center and pointed out some more of the sights on the way back :0)
The next day we went to Busch Gardens Williamsburg. I feel a little disloyal, but I think I like that one better than Tampa! Kaitlyn had a great time. I think she rode every kiddie ride at least once and some more than once.
At one point, when she was on a ride, Kevin remarked to me that the “carousel from hell” was behind us (meaning the swings). Kaitlyn apparently saw it too, because when she got off the ride she was on, she told me she wanted to swing. Thinking she meant the child version, next door I brought her to that one. She looked less than thrilled and when she got off she said “No mommy, that one.” and pointed at the big version. She is watching the big version in this picture…
Playing in Land of the Dragons…
The Busch Gardens version of the Glockenspiel…
Of course we had to have lunch at the Festhaus…
We put the huge piece of cake in front of her for a picture. All she did was look at Kevin and say “fork!”…
After lunch we headed over to the Sesame Street area of the park…
I think the water area was Kaitlyn’s favorite part of the day. She got soaked!
One of the shops made artwork out of your hand print. This is Kaitlyn’s…
Riding some more…Kaitlyn’s new light-up butterfly for Illuminights…
Exhausted after staying awake for the fireworks. She passed out before we got back to gates and barely moved until she got tucked into bed…
On Wednesday, we went to Jamestown. These are pictures from the State Park where they recreated the fort, an Indian village, and ships that brought some of the settlers over…
Kaitlyn didn’t want to take pictures that day. I think she was still a little tired from Busch Gardens the day before…
The re-created Indian village…
Me in one of the huts…
Kaitlyn and I in front of one of the recreated ships…
Kaitlyn and I on one of the ships…
Kaitlyn looking overboard trying to see some fish…
The outside of the reconstructed fort…
Kevin and Kaitlyn inside the fort…
After that, we headed over to the national park, which is the actual site of the original colony.
This is Kaitlyn running over the bridge towards the “town”…
What the original fort looked like…
One of the sites being excavated. It was the site of the church where Pocahontas married John Rolfe in the 1600s.
When we left Jamestown, we headed over to one of the Yorktown sites. We went to the state park that contained a museum and a recreated British camp. While we were there, the “soldiers” mock fired a canon. It woke Kaitlyn up, “Big boom! Thunder?”…
On Thursday morning we went to Yorktown Battlefield and the museum there.
Kaitlyn really loved the mock ship in the museum…
Checking out the battlefield….
Yorktown Victory Monument…
On Friday, we started heading back north, but we took a detour back to one of our favorite places… Hershey!
We stopped at Chocolate World and stocked up on cookies and rode the “cow ride” as Kaitlyn calls it. It’s really a ride about how they make Hershey’s Chocolate. Then we headed to our favorite restaurant in Hershey… The Bears’ Den. Then we continued on to Easton.
All I can say about the picture below is… Go Red Sox!!
On Saturday, we took Kaitlyn to the Crayola Factory in Easton, PA. She loved it!!!
And the back…
Kaitlyn colored… And drew on glass walls with markers…
Then we made animals out of modeling clay. Kaitlyn made a hippo. I made an elephant and Kevin made a bear.
Here we are making a spin art Frisbee…
Here Kaitlyn is watching the demonstration on how crayons and markers are made. Afterwards, she got one of the crayons that she watched being made…
Kaitlyn is standing next to the World’s Largest Crayon in the Crayola Store.
Upstairs from the Crayola Factory is the National Canal Museum. It is entirely geared towards kids and included in the price of admission to the Crayola Factory.
Kaitlyn is floating her boat through the canal and learning about locks…
Learning how goods were brought to the canal boats…
Learning how to steer a boat… And playing in the water table…
We had a great trip, now we just have to survive Hurricane Irene!
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