Sunday, August 15, 2010

St. Peter’s Italian Street Festival

Yesterday afternoon, we went to a street festival that one of the Catholic Churches downtown puts on every year. We started going 3 Years ago and have gone every year since. 100_0780

This year, Kaitlyn got her first taste of Cannoli… 100_0779100_0774

Then Kaitlyn got her face painted for the first time. It didn’t go quite so well. After she got her nose done, she wasn’t so sure about having a stranger so close to her face. She started pulling away and smearing it.


Right afterwards, not looking so happy….100_0784

After we got her back to the car, and wiped up a little she was a little happier and looked really cute.100_0791

My little kitty… 100_0790

Only 55 more days until the Pirates’ home opener! We can’t wait!!!

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