Friday, January 1, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We hope everyone had a great Christmas.  We started out our Christmas by going to Midnight Mass.  In the morning, I made some Blueberry pancakes and then we opened our presents.  Kaitlyn was so cute.  Every time she tore a piece of wrapping paper off, she would hand it to me before she would rip off any more.

Unfortunately, later that night we also ended up in the ER.  Kaitlyn woke up with what we suspected was a case of Pink Eye in her right eye.  We talked to the on-call pediatrician and were told that as long as it didn’t seem to be bothering her it could wait and we didn’t need to bring her in.  By the evening, however, it had spread to her left eye and her right eye was starting to get puffy.  So, we brought her into Maine Medical Center.  I consider it our Christmas Miracle that we were in and out of the ER in about 40 minutes.  We literally walked right in.  Most of that 40 minutes was waiting for her prescription from the hospital’s pharmacy.  She’s still on the antibiotics for the next couple of days, but she looks much better now. 

Here’s our Christmas photos.  I’ll try to get Kevin to download the videos later this weekend…

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The M&M candy cane wasn’t hers, but she loved the noise it made…Imported Photos 00635


I love this picture!  She looks kind of possessed!Imported Photos 00634

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And here’s a few of Kaitlyn playing with some of her new things the next day…

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