Sunday, September 27, 2009


Last weekend we took a trip up to Caribou to visit with Kevin’s family.  Kaitlyn had a great time in the hotel room.  We put her down and she just took off exploring.  She has finally outgrown the belly crawl and realized she can move a lot faster on her hands and knees!  She particularly loved the floor to ceiling mirror.  She kept standing up against it and “kissing” herself.  I feel bad for whoever had to clean it when we left!


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Kaitlyn also had her first bath in the “big girl” tub.  She was a little unsure of all that room though…

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On Saturday, we went to a corn maze.  It was a kind of cold and windy that day.  Once we were in the maze though it wasn’t so bad.  The maze this year was cut into the shape of Maine and the paths were the major roads.  They even cut out the islands!  The entrance was “I-95” and the welcome to Maine sign…

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Within the maze, there were also games to play.  There were trivia questions to answer and letters to look for that were used in a word scramble.  We accidently found the exit before we finished the games, so Kevin’s mom took Kaitlyn to the car and fed her lunch while Kevin and I went back in to finish the games.  While, we were inside the maze the first time, Kaitlyn lost a sock.  We back-tracked without finding it and I had pretty much given it up for lost.  Kevin and I went back in and found it about 10 steps in, on a corn stalk.  Don’t ask me how she got her leg up that high…

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We had a great time and we’re really looking forward to Disney next month!

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