Sunday, August 30, 2020
Pumpkin Valley Farm
BCH and Kenzie's Birthday
A quick rundown for those of you not on Facebook... since the pandemic, Kenzie has not had any in person doctors appointments. While she has returned to in-person school, her therapists have all left for new jobs (long story) and her therapy has been sporadic to non-existent. Both of which have created a perfect storm that have resulted in her legs being tighter than ever and losing some of her hard-fought gains in skills.
This past Sunday, however, we headed back to Boston. On Sunday, she had a Covid test in the Children's Hospital parking garage. Monday, she had the ECG that the anesthesiology team requires before every procedure. She also had her much overdue hip X-rays. Then on Tuesday, she finally had her botox and phenol injections. It makes such a difference for her! They brought us back as soon as she was out and before she had started to wake up at all in order for me to try changing out her button (for her G-tube) while she was still asleep. This is the first time I'd done it on my own so it was helpful to not have her moving all over the place. I'm now convinced I should go get a nursing degree, haha.
Her I-Survived-Covid-Testing cupcake...
Of course Wednesday was the princess' birthday, so we headed back to Maine. She loved all her presents and her cake! We ordered from a shop called Cake Elizabeth and chose flavors with Kenzie in mind: chocolate cake, chocolate ganache, and banana flavored buttercream. And as you can see, word is out that someone loves Minnie!
"Awesome Since 2014"