Saturday, May 18, 2019

What We've Been Up To...

Dustin Pedroia from the Boston Red Sox rehabbed in Portland for several games!

Portland Symphony Orchestra does shows for children periodically to introduce them to the symphony.  The most recent one was the music of Harry Potter!  Coming in costume was encouraged! 

Before the show was "Pet an Instrument" where the kids could try out various instruments.  Of the ones Kaitlyn tried, she didn't seem to have a natural aptitude for the woodwinds.  However, she seemed to have a little bit of talent with the viola.  We shall see... next year in school she starts band.  I don't think the strings are an option to choose.  It will be interesting to see what she picks!

They also had "Meet a Conductor" where the conductor taught them how to conduct the orchestra and they got to briefly conduct a couple of the musicians!

When we went shopping the other day, the Wiener-mobile was there!  Kaitlyn got to go inside!


On Mother's Day, Kaitlyn and I did the Sea Dogs Mother's Day 5K.  It was my 4th year and Kaitlyn's 2nd.  By far some of the nicest weather we've had for it!

Afterwards we met Mammy for brunch at the Egg and I.  I got a yummy lobster and spinach omelet!

The girls gave me some beautiful handmade gifts!  Hopefully I can keep the plant alive for awhile!

My special dessert!  A mini cake with chocolate ganache and Bavarian cream!

Stay tuned for a separate blog in the next couple of days documenting Kaitlyn's first big overnight trip.  While she's gone, we went out to lunch with Kenzie.  She was NOT a fan of that hat, but it was too cute to not get a picture!

Florida Easter Trip

I apologize for the delay in posting this.  We've been busy settling back into our routine and we've had a couple of trips to Boston since we've gotten back.  Kevin will post a Kenzie medical update at some point for those of you not on Facebook...

The girls were excited to hit the road!

 She's the only one who will sleep in the car, but she still passes out hard!

It was definitely a LONG trip down this time and we were so happy to get there! Both girls loved spending time on the playground.

The Easter Bunny found the girls at Grandmas!

Kaitlyn and Uncle Phil went down to feed the turtles.

The girls really got lucky this year... not only did the Easter Bunny leave their baskets, but he left stuff with Grandma, their aunts and uncles, AND Oma and Opa in Lakeland.  Pretty sure we are all going to be eating Easter candy for months!

Checking out what the Easter Bunny left for the girls at Aunt Bev and Uncle Phil's house!

Right before Uncle Mike and Aunt Diana left Kenzie dived into Uncle Mike's arms for a hug!

We went to the Science Museum on my birthday. The planetarium was a big hit with both girls!

Kenzie really loved this picture of the fish!

 Kenzie loves her Daddy and her stuffies!

Northbound to Lakeland to visit Oma and Opa!

Kenzie LOVES playing "wheres Kenzie" in the car.  She will patiently wait under her blanket for someone to notice and play with her!

Spent the day at Bok Tower with Oma, Opa, and Uncle Robert.  Kaitlyn got some Cookie Monster ice cream at lunch.  She was so excited to discover it was blue and that it turned her teeth blue, haha.

Turn the volume up on this one... my Dad thinks we should sell it to LL Bean!

Kenzie was very excited that Oma and Opa have a "fireplace" just like Mammy!

Having some Sonny's BBQ before we head back towards home!

All the family time broke her... she fell asleep so fast!

Hoping to get back down around Christmastime this year!