Sunday, October 18, 2015


Here’s our annual Fall pictures.  They were so much fun to do this year.  Kenzie loves the leaves.  Every time we walk through them she starts laughing hysterically.  Kaitlyn was jumping up and down in them just to make Kenzie laugh Smile.  I included some of the ‘blooper’ shots just because Kenzie discovering the leaves is too cute not to share…


Visit with the Fire Department

For fire safety month, our apartment’s leasing office arranged a meet and greet with some of our town’s firefighters.  They brought over an engine and ambulance and gave tours to the kids.  Kaitlyn was excited to sit in the truck and hold the hose.  She talked about it all day!


Presque Isle Trip

Columbus Day weekend we took our annual trip to Caribou/ Presque Isle where we enjoyed the corn maze, mini golfing, and selecting a pumpkin.  We also weighed Kenzie on the pumpkin scale.  It looks like she’s coming in at a whopping 18.5 lbs these days.  She also LOVED the pumpkin ice cream at the end of the day.


13 Months
