Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas…


We were excited to go to the second annual Holidays at Hadlock since we had so much fun last year. 

Kaitlyn is still scared of Slugger, but at least she was willing to be in the picture this time.Imported Photos 03993

She was terrified Slugger was going to come walking around the corner at any moment…Imported Photos 03996

Best naughty and nice list ever!  Of course, this list needs to be updated to add Kevin Youkilis to the naughty list.  It never turns out well for Sox players to sign with the Yankees… just ask Johnny Damon!Imported Photos 03997

Kaitlyn and her bee balloon animal…Imported Photos 04001

Santa’s helicopter flight got grounded due to snow so he hitched a ride with Portland’s bravest…Imported Photos 03998

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The next day, our church had an advent wreath making event with other crafts for the kids.Imported Photos 04004Imported Photos 04006

While I was working on the wreath, Kaitlyn decorated a cookie with Daddy’s help…Imported Photos 04005

Made a Christmas card…Imported Photos 04009

And then we made a mini Christmas tree out of a pine cone…Imported Photos 04010

Kaitlyn’s finished pine cone…Imported Photos 04014

My finished wreath at home…Imported Photos 04015

The other night we also went out to greet the Wreaths Across America convoy as it stopped in Scarborough for the night.   We got there a bit early so Kaitlyn got to see the ladder trucks getting ready.Imported Photos 04016Imported Photos 04019Imported Photos 04020Imported Photos 04021Imported Photos 04023

Monday, December 10, 2012

Kaitlyn’s 4 Year Check Up

Kaitlyn’s 4 year check-up at the doctor’s went well.  She is doing great!  She is now 42 inches and 43 pounds (90th percentile for her height and weight).  She ended up with a shot in each arm, but my future hockey player barely flinched.  No tears, just whispered “mommy that hurt!”.   

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Kaitlyn’s 4th Birthday!

For Kaitlyn’s Birthday dinner she wanted to go to Red Robin…Imported Photos 03965

That is one huge free birthday sundae!Imported Photos 03966

Excited to open presents!                          Imported Photos 03967Imported Photos 03968Imported Photos 03969Imported Photos 03970Imported Photos 03971Imported Photos 03972Imported Photos 03973Imported Photos 03974Imported Photos 03975Imported Photos 03983Imported Photos 03984

Kaitlyn requested a fire truck cake this year.  I only hope that some day she appreciates how much time and effort goes into one of her birthday cakes.Imported Photos 03976Imported Photos 03977Imported Photos 03978Imported Photos 03979Imported Photos 03981Imported Photos 03982

Monday, November 19, 2012

Our Vacation

We just came back from a great vacation!  Apparently it was perfectly timed as we missed all of the issues with Sandy (our house was without power for two days) and it was the perfect itinerary since it was one of the few cruises that wasn’t affected by the storm’s path.

We flew into San Juan a few days before the ship left.  Here I am in the room getting ready to start exploring.Imported Photos 03624

Wandering around by the old city wallsImported Photos 03598Imported Photos 03600Imported Photos 03601

Visiting the first fort in San JuanImported Photos 03605Imported Photos 03615Imported Photos 03616

Kaitlyn enjoying her quesadilla at a local Mexican restaurant.Imported Photos 03620

Kaitlyn saw the fountain and wanted to touch the water.Imported Photos 03625

Outside one of the old gates to the city…Imported Photos 03634Imported Photos 03638Imported Photos 03639

Visiting the other fort...Imported Photos 03648Imported Photos 03649

DinnerImported Photos 03666Imported Photos 03667Imported Photos 03668

We woke up the next morning and it was right outside our room!Imported Photos 03670

The Carnival VictoryImported Photos 03672Imported Photos 03673

Embarkation photo.scan0014

First port was St. Thomas.scan0012scan0013scan0011

We walked around a bit on our own in the morning then got back on board for lunch.Imported Photos 03682

Magen’s Bay.  So far it is my favorite beach.Imported Photos 03683Imported Photos 03685

We spent a few hours at Magen’s Bay in the afternoon.  The last time we were there the water was very calm and gentle.  We thought Kaitlyn would love it.  This time though, there was  a high surf advisory due to Sandy.  Kaitlyn was scared, so she played in the sand.  Though I did get her to let me carry her in the water for one picture.Imported Photos 03686Imported Photos 03687Imported Photos 03695Imported Photos 03693Imported Photos 03699Imported Photos 03692Imported Photos 03698

Sailing away that evening…Imported Photos 03705

Our first towel animal of the cruise.Imported Photos 03707

And this is how Kaitlyn came back from her first night at Camp Carnival.Imported Photos 03710Imported Photos 03708Imported Photos 03709

The next day was a fun day at sea.  Kaitlyn tried her hand at mini golf for the first time.  After we showed her how to play she didn’t do too badly.  Except she kept picking up her ball to move it into a better position SmileImported Photos 03712Imported Photos 03713Imported Photos 03716Imported Photos 03718Imported Photos 03719Imported Photos 03721Imported Photos 03722

Making her Beary Cuddly…Imported Photos 03725Imported Photos 03726Imported Photos 03727Imported Photos 03728Imported Photos 03729Imported Photos 03730

Our family portraits for the year.scan0005scan0006

Towel animal 2.  I love when they  make the elephant!Imported Photos 03732

The next day was Halloween in Barbados!scan0010

We walked around a bit in the morning, then took a bus tour of the island.Imported Photos 03738Imported Photos 03749Imported Photos 03757Imported Photos 03758Imported Photos 03759Imported Photos 03760Imported Photos 03763Imported Photos 03768Imported Photos 03771Imported Photos 03772Imported Photos 03753Imported Photos 03754

While watching for the pier runners, Kevin and Kaitlyn were excited to see a police car.Imported Photos 03774

By that evening, the entire ship was decorated for Halloween.Imported Photos 03793

Here is my “Elegant Kitty” ready for trick-or-treating and her Halloween party.  I can’t believe how old she looks here!Imported Photos 03775scan0008scan0009

The kids were given maps with the different trick or treating spots on the ship (the pizza place, fun shops, shore excursion desk, etc).  At each stop, the kids were supposed to perform the specified trick (scream, walk like a zombie, tell a joke, etc) to get their treat.  Of course Kaitlyn wouldn’t do any of it even after practicing “trick or treat” all day!  The last stop on the map was the location of the kids’ Halloween party.  Kaitlyn made it a whole ten minutes.  Then Funship Freddy showed up and she started screaming…  “I wanna go away now!”Imported Photos 03776Imported Photos 03777

After the party, Kaitlyn headed off to Camp Carnival for the night and Kevin and I headed off to dinner.  Here the waiters are dancing for the dining room,Imported Photos 03782

The special Halloween themed dessertImported Photos 03785

Spooky moon on Halloween!Imported Photos 03781The big kids’ Halloween party SmileImported Photos 03787

The Midnight Mexican buffet…Imported Photos 03789Imported Photos 03788

Towel animal 3.Imported Photos 03779

The next day we visited St. Lucia and took a bus tour of the island.scan0015100_1140100_1142Imported Photos 03815Imported Photos 03812100_1143Imported Photos 03821Imported Photos 03820Imported Photos 03814

Hanging out on the balcony, waiting to leave.100_1167Imported Photos 03828Imported Photos 03799

Towel animal 4.Imported Photos 03834

The next port was St. Kitts.  This was our favorite island of the trip.  We took another bus tour here.scan0017scan0016Imported Photos 03838Imported Photos 03882

First stop was Carib Batik.  They do a special type of dying process there that involves using wax and multiple dying process in each color of the design.  By the time it is finished, it takes days and the finished product is completely reversible.  The grounds there were beautiful!100_1186100_1182Imported Photos 03847

The last stop was the fort.100_1193Imported Photos 03877Imported Photos 03864Imported Photos 03866

Not quite tall enough…100_1200

A little help from Daddy…Imported Photos 03867Imported Photos 03861Imported Photos 03860100_1202

Heading back to the ship.100_1210Imported Photos 03884Imported Photos 03885Imported Photos 03886

The VIFP (Very Important Fun Person) party.  When the waiter realized how much Kaitlyn like the chicken nuggets, he dropped some off for her every time he walked by.  The free alcoholic beverages kept coming to Kevin and I SmileImported Photos 03894Imported Photos 03892Imported Photos 03891

Kaitlyn’s casual portraits for the year.scan0004scan0003

Towel animal 5.Imported Photos 03898

My over tired bunny with the bunny.Imported Photos 03901

Our last day was in St. Maarten.scan0019scan0018

We took Kaitlyn to the butterfly farm.Imported Photos 03913100_1216100_1219100_1217100_1222

The fortress overlooking MarigotImported Photos 03922Imported Photos 03915Imported Photos 03919Imported Photos 03918

Back on board just in time for the chocolate buffet!  Kaitlyn and I shared that plate of chocolate Smile100_1233Imported Photos 03930Imported Photos 03931

One last game of mini golf.100_1243100_1242100_1241100_1240100_1239100_1238

Leaving St. Maarten.Imported Photos 03905Imported Photos 03944

We had the best dining room team on the ship!  Abdul, Novie, and Luis were awesome!Imported Photos 03945

My little tiger.Imported Photos 03947

Trying to look scary with her new friend.Imported Photos 03950

The next day we were back in San Juan for some last day sight seeing before heading homeImported Photos 03951Imported Photos 03952Imported Photos 03954Imported Photos 03955Imported Photos 03956