Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!

  Although Kevin had to work overtime on Fathers Day, Kaitlyn still took the time to wish Daddy a Happy Fathers Day by visiting him at work and making him some special treats with Mommy’s help.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Coastal Vacation

A few things have happened since our last post. Kaitlyn is now sitting up by herself. She only topples over when she moves suddenly (which right now is when a cat makes the mistake of walking past her). She is also getting her first teeth. The two middle bottom teeth just came through. Unfortunately, you can't really see them in any pictures yet. Kevin also swears that she has said "da-da".

Recently Kevin, Kaitlyn, Grammy, and I had a mini-vacation. We spent several days at home doing little day trips along the coast and then we went up to Bar Harbor for the weekend...

Kaitlyn is getting ready to explore the Old Port in Portland...

We had lunch at Dimillo's. Kaitlyn got to try her first little piece of bread...

We went outlet shopping in Kittery, then stopped for lunch at the first Weathervane...
Len Libby's is a candy store down the street from us in Scarborough. They have life-size chocolate sculptures. The moose is named Lenny. He's 1700 lbs of chocolate. Yummy!

One of the chocolate bear cubs. He's only 80 lbs of chocolate...

Kaitlyn's first trip to the beach...

With Daddy at Lincolnville Beach...

Kaitlyn's first time mini-golfing...

Our first stop on the 26 mile Loop Road in Acadia National Park...

Kaitlyn during one of the few times she was awake on the Loop. She loves the puppy Grammy got her...

Stopping for tea and popovers at Jordan Pond Restaurant in Acadia National Park. Kaitlyn loved trying a piece of the popover. It was also her first time in a big-girl high chair!

Kaitlyn in her jr park ranger hat at the summit of Mt. Cadillac in Acadia...

We had a great time. We're hoping to get back to Acadia this summer and do some of the easier hikes with Kaitlyn. Hopefully on a day with better weather though!