Sunday, November 30, 2008


Hello all, sorry this post is a day late, but here it is. Since the Patriots are not doing well today, this is a perfect opportunity to share some pictures from our first Thanksgiving as a family. We celebrated Thanksgiving at Bugaboo Creek Steakhouse, which turned out great.

Here is Kaitlyn getting ready for the big day

Kaitlyn in her Thanksgiving attire ...

Kaitlyn being thankful ..

And finally here are pictures of us at Bugaboo...

The meal ...

And lastly just a fun picture from home ...

Hope everyone is doing well, we had a few moments of flurries here today, but it quickly turned over to rain. Luckily hasn't been that cold here, living near the coast has its advantages. Will be posting again soon!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Another quick video

Just a quick video of Kaitlyn in her bouncer, a little grainy because it was taken at night. Will be posting some photos Thanksgiving night or the day after. Hope all is well with everyone, and thanks for all the well wishes and support given over the past couple of weeks.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Just a quick little video taken at the hospital when Kaitlyn was first starting to look around, she is on her phototherapy bed. We'll try to get better videos on here in the near future.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Finally home

Well here we are, finally home. Obviously a busy couple of days with sleepless nights as we try to get adjusted to Kaitlyn's schedule. Left the hospital a day late, only so Kaitlyn could get treated with some photo therapy for jaundice, a common problem apparently with late preterm babies. Below are a few pics of Kaitlyn and her coming home outfit.

This is Kaitlyn in one of her photo therapy beds

Kaitlyn in her coming home outfit, all set to head home

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Introducing to the world...

So the big day finally came, albeit earlier than we could have expected. Weighing in at 9 lbs 1 ounce and arriving after numerous hours in labor which finally resulted in a C-Section, Kaitlyn Rose Dickinson made her debut at 658 this morning. We will post more about the birth in the next few days, but for now here are some pictures.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Getting closer

Hello all!

We had another appointment yesterday, and first off the good news is that all the lab results came back normal, with no apparent problems. Kaitlyn is still very healthy and doing well, her heartbeat is very strong and she is as active as ever. Cyndi is going to have to start shaving her work hours a little bit, and possibly take at least a few days off a week. On the other side of things, the doctor said that she would like to see us get to 38 weeks (which is 2 weeks from now). We're not sure if that means the doctor is thinking of speeding the process along a little bit or not. Either way, the doctor said we wouldn't have to worry about Kaitlyn going past her due date. With that being said, it won't be long now. Cyndi has a baby shower at work on Friday, so we're hoping to get those last odds and ends we need in preparation for Kaitlyn's arrival. Look for another blog around that time, we'll try to get some pictures up. Hope everyone is doing well and voted yesterday, and for those who have been wondering, no it hasn't snowed here yet. :)